A Key to Getting Older the Healthy Way
Diet, Exercise, Positive Attitude, ChiropracticThe amount of people living longer lives is dramatically increasing! Over 40,000 people last year reached the age of 100 years old. In fact according to recent census projections, by 2050 over one million Americans will be making it to 100 years old!
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Chiropractic Care Helps Whiplash
Headaches, Dizziness, Neck Pain, Lower Back PainIf you’ve been injured in a car accident, it is extremely important to visit a chiropractor that is skilled in treating auto accident injuries such as Dr. Zaid Atazai, D.C.. Although you may not think you are hurt, whiplash and other injuries can happen in even the smallest of accidents.
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Auto Accident Injury Recovery
Lower Back Pain, Neck Pain, Chiropractic RehabilitationAuto accidents can be extremely stressful physically, mentally and emotionally. Especially in the San Leandro area because of the high population! Even if the accident was small and your vehicle only sustained minor damage, your body can still suffer debilitating pain.
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Changes to Build a Healthier You!
Exercise, Diet, Health, NutritionReplace the coffee and doughnut breakfast for something healthier! Go for a walk after your meal instead of taking a nap! Nutrition and exercise are key to a healthy lifestyle and a long, happy, and joyful life!
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Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy
Pregnancy Pain, Lower Back Pain, Chiropractic AdjustmentsWhen a woman becomes pregnant, there are countless changes that are happening to her body! Not only physically, but hormonally, biomechanically and with her posture too. The body changes in order to prepare to nourish and carry a child to its full term.
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Chiropractic Care Naturally Treats Colic
Colic, Infants and Chiropractic, Loud Piercing CriesColic is defined as the despaired crying of an infant for a minimum of three hours a day, at least three days a week for at least three weeks. These babies suffering from colic are known to produce loud piercing cries, flexed legs, balled fists, and stiff abdominal tissue.
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The Top 5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Pain Relief, Exercise, Stress Management, RecuperationThere are many benefits to Chiropractic Adjustments. Chiropractic Care with Dr. Zaid Atazai, D.C. can help almost all areas of the body, because everything is connected. Therefore, when an area is adjusted, it can positively affect the areas around it and so on, and so forth.
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The Ultimate Guide to Good Posture
Blood Circulation, Vertebrae Deterioration, PosturePosture is so much more than just looking poised and more confident. Having correct posture while standing and sitting allows our bodies to function more properly. This article will discuss posture and how to improve yours starting today!
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Understanding Headaches
Tension Headaches, Migraines, Cluster HeadachesIf you have ever suffered from a headache, you are not alone. Research shows seven out of ten people have headaches each year, and about 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches. Headaches can last anywhere from a few minutes, up to weeks!
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What Is Chiropractic?
Health and Wellness, Stress Relief, Chiropractic CareDoctors of Chiropractic (DCs), or often referred to as Chiropractors and Chiropractic Physicians, practice holistic medicine. Holistic medicine is the practice of healing with a hands on and (most importantly) a drug free approach.
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